Reaching out to the community with Project Sukacita
Tanoto Foundation organised its annual Project Sukacita Dec 7 to 11, 2015 to reach out and help the community. The Project Sukacita team helped children in...
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Asian Agri received the Best Community Program Award at the 7th Annual Global CSR Summit and Awards 2015. The award recognises Asian Agri’s continuing commitment to improving the economic conditions of the local communities, comprising smallholders and independent farmers. Mr Kelvin Tio, Managing Director of Asian Agri, was on hand to receive the award.
“We do not just build a sustainable plantation industry; we also build the local community as a whole. Local communities play a very important role and can not be separated from our activities. Support and involvement of local communities is necessary to our operations. Our activities should also contribute directly and indirectly to the development of the surrounding areas,” Mr Tio said.
The community partnership between Asian Agri and smallholders has not only resulted in quality produce, but also continues to improve the lives of the farmers. Additionally, Asian Agri has expanded its scope to include community development and poverty alleviation.
This remains in line with the principles that continue to guide company’s business operations: Good for the Community, Good for the Country and Good for the Company.
Asian Agri is an Indonesian-based, world-class palm oil company that manages the archipelago’s abundant natural resources. It was established in 1979. Asian Agri was one of the pioneers in the Indonesian government’s trans-migration scheme in Riau and Jambi. The scheme involved the migration of Indonesians from densely populated areas of Indonesia, such as Java, to less populous areas of the country with the objective of reducing poverty. Under the scheme, migrants were given land. In partnership with companies like Asian Agri which provided training in palm oil cultivation, seedlings, financing and community services, these migrants became successful smallholders, supplying their palm oil produce to Asian Agri at fair trade prices in line with government policy. Asian Agri is part of a group of companies managed by RGE, which is founded by Sukanto Tanoto, also its chairman.